Commercial name of PI Business Solutions has been changed to PI Startup Advisory


Commercial name of PI Business

Solutions has been changed to PI Startup


Commercial name of PI Business Solutions has been changed to PI Startup Advisory

Change in Commercial Name

Past two years PI Business Solutions Co WLL empowered business with Company formation, commercial licensing and IT solution. However, Considering market demand and product enrichment we have replaced some of our business activities. Therefore our commercial name is changed to

PI Startup Advisory Co W.L.L

. From now and onward all official documents of our company will reflect this change.

Changes in Commercial Activities

Discontinued services

  • All kinds of IT & Programming services.

Current Services

Management Consultancy

  • Company formation in Bahrain
  • Registration of Foreign Branches in Bahrain
  • Commercial Licensing
  • Amendments in CR
  • Compliance Services
  • Commercial Registration Maintenance Services

Publicity & Advertising

  • Web Designing (coming soon)
  • SEO (coming soon)
  • Social Media Marketing (coming soon)

Data Hosting

  • Website Hosting

Changes in Management


  • Saqlain Akram

Authorized Signatories:

  • Saqlain Akram
  • Waqas Akram


  • Saqlain Akram
  • Rana Zeeshan Arif


Don’t worry! There will be no change in our current services and project.

Quotations, Invoices, and all other official documents will display our new commercial name “PI Startup Advisory Co W.L.L”.

Currently, there is no change in our bank account. You can always proceed with payments as guided in invoices/emails.

No, Our CR Number is still the same as before (132948-1).

For inquiries please

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